January 30, 2017


Source: refinery29

This makes me ridiculously happy.

America is divided. But it's funny how from where I'm watching, far away, everybody and everything that ever caught my attention and admiration stands on the same side: the good one.

January 9, 2017

Incoming kids

Meddling Kids has an official release date: July 11. I read that on the Internet, so it must be true.

And there's more: you can already pre-order it.

Better yet: you can pre-order the AUDIOBOOK. Can you believe that? Somebody (not Siri—actually somebody) is gonna read my sh*t aloud. And record it.

I am misplacing my manure, I tell you.

December 2, 2016

Stunt in progress

Art from some promotional material for Meddling Kids. I hadn't drawn a full page comic in a year. It showed.

August 15, 2016

Bizarrer events have happened

Here’s a little story I think it’s okay to share now: three years ago today, I met in Barcelona with an LA producer to discuss a film based on The Supernatural Enhancements. It’s the closest to happen it ever got.

We never talked again after that meeting, but I cherish that occasion as a milestone in my career, and I remember it fondly every summer. Especially this year. Because the one actor the producer suggested to play “A.” sadly passed away this 2016. Whereas on the other hand, while neither of us named an actress to play Niamh, my top choice also appeared out of nowhere.

So I shall keep dreaming.