August 3, 2015

Eight months

Eight months ago, during a business lunch in New York, I pitched some ideas for my next book in English to a publisher and I bluffed that I could have a full manuscript in summer 2015.

Well, it's summer 2015 and, much to my own astonishment, I did it.

Really. I just clicked 'Send' earlier today.

I usually don't keep track of how ideas grow into full texts, because both ends of that line are blurry;  in my experience there was never a starting pistol or a deadline. But I had both this time. Eight months ago, this was a high concept that could be described (and was described) in under a minute. It was essentially these two elements.

But since it was greenlit and I walked out of that business lunch, I cut it loose and let it grow up. I started writing in Brooklyn the next couple weeks and continued back in Barcelona, and it developed its own aesthetic and style and themes. After eight months, it's now all this, and many more things.

It's grown 100K words too. That's uncanny.

What starts now is the part where the writer is not in full control. It's the time of agents and editors and decision-makers, it's the uncertainty period. This may be my next published book, or it may never see light.

But as far as my job goes, it's done. This exists already. And I'm proud. :D

June 12, 2015

Era una noche oscúrea y tormentífera

Para acompañar el envío a libreros y prensa de ejemplares de El factor sobrenatural, dibujé esta carta personal en la que me presento a mí mismo y la novela. Y sí, esta es mi forma de ligar.

"It was a darkish, stormferous night:" A promotional comic I made introducing myself and the Spanish translation of TSE to bookstore owners and media.

April 22, 2015

Un cadàver bonic - Conte gratis de Sant Jordi

"Veieu aquesta noia que rodola fora del sarcòfag i cau de morros a terra, amb els peus empresonats dins el vestit com una crisàlide enganxifosa? Veieu com s’esquinça el baix de la mortalla per tal de guanyar mobilitat? Veieu com surt de la cripta obrint el reixat d’una puntada de peu, sostenint encara el ram d’orquídies de plàstic i proferint un bram que fa escagarrinar tot animal vertebrat en un radi de cinc quilòmetres?

Doncs aquesta noia sóc jo."

Tretze pàgines, sis morts (mínim), un festival de violència multicolor i dones apassionades per celebrar el Dia del Llibre amb risses i amor. Per regalar-vos o regalar a la noia que estimeu. O si no, no sé, compreu-li una vulgar rosa.

Descàrrega d'ebook gratuïta.

Un cadàver bonic.epub (majoria d'altres e-readers)
Un cadàver bonic.pdf (si tota la resta falla)

Tots els drets reservats, viewer discretion is advised, etcètera. Si us agrada, parleu-ne!

ENGLISH followers: links download a free short story in Catalan to celebrate Sant Jordi. No translation available, sorry. Please stay tuned for more info on English novelties soon!

EN CASTELLANO: Lo siento, no hay traducción del cuento... ¡pero tendréis traducción de The Supernatural Enhancements en las librerías el mes que viene! Más info en breve.

January 30, 2015

Writing night

Chapter completed. Comedy and violence included. Liking myself a lot right now.

December 13, 2014


"The modern depiction of the sign of Capricorn is derived from that of the Sumerian god of water Enki, as a half-goat, half-fish creature."

Nailed it.