April 22, 2015

Un cadàver bonic - Conte gratis de Sant Jordi

"Veieu aquesta noia que rodola fora del sarcòfag i cau de morros a terra, amb els peus empresonats dins el vestit com una crisàlide enganxifosa? Veieu com s’esquinça el baix de la mortalla per tal de guanyar mobilitat? Veieu com surt de la cripta obrint el reixat d’una puntada de peu, sostenint encara el ram d’orquídies de plàstic i proferint un bram que fa escagarrinar tot animal vertebrat en un radi de cinc quilòmetres?

Doncs aquesta noia sóc jo."

Tretze pàgines, sis morts (mínim), un festival de violència multicolor i dones apassionades per celebrar el Dia del Llibre amb risses i amor. Per regalar-vos o regalar a la noia que estimeu. O si no, no sé, compreu-li una vulgar rosa.

Descàrrega d'ebook gratuïta.

Un cadàver bonic.epub (majoria d'altres e-readers)
Un cadàver bonic.pdf (si tota la resta falla)

Tots els drets reservats, viewer discretion is advised, etcètera. Si us agrada, parleu-ne!

ENGLISH followers: links download a free short story in Catalan to celebrate Sant Jordi. No translation available, sorry. Please stay tuned for more info on English novelties soon!

EN CASTELLANO: Lo siento, no hay traducción del cuento... ¡pero tendréis traducción de The Supernatural Enhancements en las librerías el mes que viene! Más info en breve.

January 30, 2015

Writing night

Chapter completed. Comedy and violence included. Liking myself a lot right now.

December 13, 2014


"The modern depiction of the sign of Capricorn is derived from that of the Sumerian god of water Enki, as a half-goat, half-fish creature."

Nailed it.

November 11, 2014


I'm in New York right now. My last time here was back in 2006, while working on my first novel, Dormir amb Winona Ryder. I take as a good omen that I found this right next to my hotel.

I love this city.

October 16, 2014

Kiribati connection

A few months ago, while planning on how to distribute my copies of The Supernatural Enhancements, I recorded my intention to send one book to the National Library of Kiribati—which, in case you don't know, is a remote island nation on  the South Pacific. ()

For a number of reasons, this mission has been intolerably postponed, until this morning, on a beautiful summer day in mid-October, I woke up with the firm purpose of fulfilling that promise.

 This is the book. (Hi.)

Sorry, I doodled all over it.

This is a letter to the unsuspecting librarians in Kiribati.

 This is the envelope we sent it in.

And this is the whole package standing on a rooftop shouting, baby I'm ready to go.

After a trip to the post office and a brief lesson for the clerk on the history of Kiribati, the package was posted. Here is the receipt.

Which is a good moment to answer the question, "why are you doing this?" Simply put, because I've been fascinated by the Pacific for years, and I want a piece of me to be there. And now it's on its way. Yippee!

(If I piqued anyone's curiosity with all this, allow me to recommend J. Maarten Troost's The Sex Lives of Cannibals: one of the very few books on modern-day Kiribati available, and among my favorite non-fiction books of all time.)


More news on TSE: it's selling very well, thank you! Also, it will be released in French, Italian and Spanish in the first half of 2015. The Spanish translation has been undertaken by yours truly, together with my friend and long-time collaborator Xavi Morató. A big thank you to all the readers who gave it a chance, and let me remind all those who were left perplexed by it that I remain at your disposition via Goodreads for somewhat less vague explanations. Cheers.