December 20, 2020



Found this picture in my hard drive. It was taken in New York, December 3, 2014. If you care to endure the bad image quality and my handwriting, you may recognize the passage.

These penciled bits of novels will become a thing of the past; since the pandemic began I haven't sat in a coffee shop or written anywhere but on my computer. I miss that. Miss a lot of things. New York too.

October 23, 2020

A random page from Project X

It's not often a table of contents tells so much about a work in progress, so please enjoy this one. And by the way, it's not called "Project X" anymore. Please refer to it by its chosen title. 

X Balada

July 26, 2020

Season aesthetics

Back when I was writing Meddling Kids I made one of these image collections with some of the raw ingredients/visuals/influences I'd tossed into the pot. Now I've been working on a new project for a few weeks, I thought I might do it again, just to tease the dozen people who look into these things. Hello there, I do enjoy the attention. 

EDITED Sep/14: Let us call this one PROJECT X.

Side note: I miss Tumblr.

July 12, 2020


"I hope my editor likes the new manuscript; it's such a big departure from my previous work."

(Old tweet, but feels fresh anew.)

April 13, 2020

Round Two

>run statrprt.exe file:WIP.odt


word count: 151,980 (-15,513)
page count: 585 (-71)
# of chapters: 111 (-10)
longest chapter length: 4711 words (-330)
shortest chapter length: 173 words (-48)
opening paragraph length: 7 pages
# of footnotes: 22
# of pages in meter: 5
longest string without punctuation marks: 24 lines
# of named human characters: ~175 (-25)
# of chapters featuring most featured character:
status: beta-ready

January 18, 2020

n Cool Things

I recently translated to English some of the weekly content I write for El Jueves magazine so you guys can see my more political, compromised side.